Saturday, January 17, 2015

7 Tools to Help Keep Your Diet Resolution

We are at that point in the New year when 50 percent of people have, by now, ditched their resolution. 

How are you doing? 

Did you have a diet or exercise related resolution that you may need some help sticking too?

Well, if you have fallen off the wagon it really is not too late. Making an investment in your health is a lifelong journey. And for those who particularly struggle with maintaining a healthy weight, the journey is often one of two steps forward, three steps back. The key is getting back on the trail no matter how long  or how far the detour.

This year, my health related resolution is consistency. Consistency is my downfall. Having been on a diet of some sort or the other since I was NINE, I really do know what to eat and what not to eat. I know 80 percent of success is in nutrition. I know my specific health issues require me to eat a protein based diet and to stay away from sugar, soy, gluten and non-food ingredients like caramel color and HFCS. It really is just a matter of me consistently putting my knowledge in to practice.

I have fallen to the "all or nothing" trap so many times. I have gone deprivation or glutton and every step in between. All this yoyo dieting the past four years has resulted in my scale going up and down the same 20 pounds, with each cycle netting a softer, more squishy physique.  I am now dedicated to a sensible, primarily clean eating, protein-based, sugar-free lifestyle. I have a food formula that I know works. I will allow myself planned treats and not go off the deep end, throwing all my progress down the drain, when I have them. I know the 20 percent part of the equation is still important and am committing to consistent exercise with a HIIT program to help blast the fat and replace it with muscle. I will take daily, small positive steps toward change and keep my eye on my goal of losing 30-40lbs by summer. The number is variable because muscle weighs more than fat, and I am more interested in how my body looks and feels and my clothes fit than a certain number on the scale.

Below are 7 Tools to Help You Stick to a Diet Resolution:

The Why Bracelet

I wanted to have a visual reminder that will keep my reasons for getting to a healthy weight and shape in front of me at all times to help me resist temptation and get over the deprivation I feel sometimes when faced with foods I love but know are toxic for me. I decided to create my own bracelet using the popular snake chain and beads. I chose beads that had personal meaning to my health goals:

  • a bead with the faces of children
  • two beads that say family
  • a red dress to remind me of the great clothes awaiting me in my closet when I trim down
  • a bead that says "live, love, laugh" to know I will do that longer when healthy
  • a red heart to remind me that I need to reduce my risk for heart disease
  • a bathing suit to inspire me to feel better on Spring Break and at the pool
  • "Best Mom" bead because I am a better mom when I am a healthy mom
  • a sneaker to remember what it feels to be an athlete
  • a heart that says "wife" because I want to be a sexy one

The bracelet costs me approximately $55.

Bikini Body Mommy 3.0 Challenge

Bikini Body Mommy is an online workout program developed by a mom who lost 100 pounds. She films her challenge workout videos in her home with her child beside her getting in the way just like mine and my dog do. She is relatable, open, and real and thousands are following her challenges. On Jan. 5, I joined her 3.0 Challenge. The workouts are about 20 minutes a day and I am committed to getting them in every day for 90-days. I joined a Facebook group of others going through the challenge and have an online accountability partner to stay encouraged.

Purpose and Pause Planner

The Purpose and Pause Planner is a planner I designed because I wanted one place to go to set my yearly, monthly and weekly goals, track progress, plan my month/week/day, journal and track my food. While I do use My Fitness Pal, I cannot always log it immediately on the phone app. I like to have a place to write it down first.

4 Key Apps

My favorite fitness apps are My Fitness Pal to track my overall goal (weight, nutrition, exercise, etc), Pacer to track my daily steps (and it syncs with My Fitness Pal), Move to remind me hourly to get up and move with suggested activity prompts and Workouts for a quick video-led workout I can do on the go with whatever time I have.

Sunday Prep Day

Fail to plan and plan to fail. Sunday is my day to plan the week's menu and prep food from breakfast and dinners to snacks. Consistently setting this prep time ensures I can make good choices when busy, tired and stressed during the work/school week.

What tools for success do you use to keep you on track? 

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